Auteur Sujet: [WarGods] Spécialiste Peintre Basti  (Lu 3698 fois)

Hors ligne Dreadaxe

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  • Alpha & Oméga
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    • Dreadaxe Corp.
  • Prénom N. : Benoît D.
Spécialiste Peintre Basti
« le: 08 mai 2016 à 23:58:17 »
À une autre époque Alex Bates and CP3 avaient fait des règles pour cette figurine événementielle.
@enexoalte en avait récupéré une par je ne sais quel moyen et l'avait peinte et avait traduit ses règles.

Crocodile Games 6th Annual Painting Contest!Enter your best painted WarGods pieces in the Gen Con painting contest, and we will be giving away special prizes solely for the best WarGods miniatures in these three categories:
  • Best Single WarGods Figure
  • Best WarGods Unit or Chariot
  • Best WarGods Conversion - this category may use components from other manufacturers, but the basic figure must be a Crocodile Games miniature.
The prizes for each category will be $50 USD of Crocodile Games product or credit for first place, $25 USD for second place, and $10 USD for third place. In addition, the WarGods "Best of Show" piece will win the famed Crocodile Games "Scorpion Sword."
Paint Like a Basti!     Basti Painter, sculpted by Chris FitzPatrick height=350   
And Last but not Least - we've created a special sculpture for this year's convention... a Basti Painter! He's smartly dressed in the latest Parisian styles, sporting a jaunty beret and a smashing fringed vest. He even has a little French moustache (look closely at the picture of the green!) Expertly sculpted by Chris FitzPatrick, this wacky miniature is sure to inspire the envy of all of your painter friends! "...But how do I get one?", I hear you ask!
 Basti Painter, sculpted by Chris FitzPatrick height=350   
All 4 days of Gen Con, we're holding a painting competition at the Paint-n-Take area. Crocodile Games supplies the mini, Paint-n-Take supplies the paints and the brushes - you bring the creativity and speed. No one walks away empty-handed as each competitor takes home their painted miniature - the exclusive "Basti Painter" mini only available by taking part in Crocodile Games painting contests this year. We fully expect each even to fill up to capacity, so if you can't get it, it sometimes pays off to show up a few minutes early with a generic event ticket as there are frequently absentees. But be warned! There may be Crocodile Games staff members on-hand to cheer on the contestants, heckle the audience, and make painters wear funny hats - all in the spirit of fun, of course!
Not going to Gen Con? Don't panic! Crocodile Games still loves you. We'll be hosting a web-based competition in a the next few months for those who are not able to make it to Gen Con.
« Modifié: 01 juin 2021 à 20:38:18 par Dreadaxe »
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Le MP c'est mal... C'est comme vouloir réinventer la roue ! Le e-mail c'est la base !
Amazon c'est le mal, en tant que geek vous devez le combattre !

Hors ligne Dreadaxe

  • Administrateur
  • Alpha & Oméga
  • ********
  • Messages: 8930
    • Dreadaxe Corp.
  • Prénom N. : Benoît D.
Re : [WarGods] Spécialiste Peintre Basti
« Réponse #1 le: 08 mai 2016 à 23:59:56 »
Une mise en page.


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Le MP c'est mal... C'est comme vouloir réinventer la roue ! Le e-mail c'est la base !
Amazon c'est le mal, en tant que geek vous devez le combattre !

Hors ligne Dreadaxe

  • Administrateur
  • Alpha & Oméga
  • ********
  • Messages: 8930
    • Dreadaxe Corp.
  • Prénom N. : Benoît D.
Come back
Le MP c'est mal... C'est comme vouloir réinventer la roue ! Le e-mail c'est la base !
Amazon c'est le mal, en tant que geek vous devez le combattre !