Jeux en sommeil à Stonehenge > Warmachine / Hordes

# 3 years of playtest

(1/14) > >>

Dans l'insider du jour, les pistes d'amélioration pour la mi-janvier 2017.

*     Exploitation of the throw power attack. Abus de la prise spéciale lancer
*     Cryx and its ability to handle gun lines. Cryx et sa capacité à gérer les gun lines.
*     Close examination and potential rebalancing for the top 5% of overperforming and underperforming models. Examen méticuleux et remise à niveau équitable potentielle pour les 5% des figurines les plus sur-performantes et sous-performantes.
*     Skorne. Yes, the whole Faction. After reviewing the community feedback and game data so far, we realize that we fell short with the Faction in the new edition. However, the Skorne community has provided an incredible amount of measured and insightful feedback over the last several months, which has certainly helped guide us in our efforts to identify where we need to make critical fixes in order to bring Skorne back into line with the other Factions in both power level and, most importantly, fun. While this errata document represents only a small and measured first step in reaching this goal, we hope it will provide a strong foundation on which to build going forward. Skorne. La faction déconne à fond...P.-E.

Ahh, en voilà une bonne nouvelle ;)

Rien pour Troll, cool aucun remord à jouer Cygnar  ;D

J'espère que la nouvelle donne vaudra le malette skorne  prend la poussière

C'est mon frère qui va être content  :D


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