Auteur Sujet: Liste pour tournoi 2vs2  (Lu 1721 fois)

Hors ligne LucasB

  • Membre de Stonehenge
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  • Messages: 61
Liste pour tournoi 2vs2
« le: 03 août 2022 à 19:36:04 »
Salut ! Avec un ami on va faire un tournoi en 2vs2 fin septembre et on avait pensé à cette liste :

Qu'en pensez vous ?

++ Patrol Detachment 0CP (Chaos - Thousand Sons) [60 PL, 17 Cabal Points, 1,109pts] ++

+ Configuration +

Cults of the Legion: Cult of Time

Detachment Command Cost

+ HQ +

Ahriman [8 PL, 3 Cabal Points, 160pts]: 11. Tzeentch's Firestorm, 12. Twist of Fate, 23. Baleful Devolution

Exalted Sorcerer [8 PL, 4 Cabal Points, 130pts]: 13. Doombolt, 2. Seeker After Shadows, 22. Weaver of Fates, Conniving Plate, Dilettante, Hourglass of Manat, Inferno Bolt Pistol, Warlord

Sorcerer in Terminator Armour [7 PL, 2 Cabal Points, 115pts]: 12. Glamour of Tzeentch, 21. Temporal Manipulation, Force stave, Inferno combi-bolter, Loyal Thrall

+ Troops +

Rubric Marines [6 PL, 2 Cabal Points, 117pts]: Icon of Flame
. Aspiring Sorcerer: 32. Pyric Flux, Warpflame pistol
. 4x Rubric Marine w/ warpflamer: 4x Warpflamer

Rubric Marines [6 PL, 2 Cabal Points, 110pts]: Icon of Flame
. Aspiring Sorcerer: 32. Psychic Stalk, Inferno Bolt Pistol
. 3x Rubric Marine w/ inferno boltgun: 3x Inferno boltgun
. Rubric Marine w/ soulreaper cannon: Soulreaper cannon

Rubric Marines [6 PL, 2 Cabal Points, 105pts]: Icon of Flame
. Aspiring Sorcerer: 11. Gaze of Hate, Inferno Bolt Pistol
. 4x Rubric Marine w/ inferno boltgun: 4x Inferno boltgun

+ Elites +

Scarab Occult Terminators [11 PL, 1 Cabal Points, 225pts]: Hellfyre missile rack
. Scarab Occult Sorcerer: 12. Twist of Fate, Inferno combi-bolter, Rites of Coalescence
. 3x Terminator: 3x Inferno combi-bolter, 3x Prosperine khopesh
. Terminator w/ Heavy Weapon: Soulreaper cannon

Tzaangor Shaman [4 PL, 1 Cabal Points, 70pts]: 23. Baleful Devolution

+ Fast Attack +

Chaos Spawn [1 PL, 23pts]: Chaos Spawn

Tzaangor Enlightened [3 PL, 54pts]: Aviarch, Fatecaster greatbows
. 2x Enlightened
. . 2x Disc of Tzeentch: 2x Disc blades

++ Patrol Detachment -2CP (Tyranids) [54 PL, -2CP, 1,100pts] ++

+ Configuration +

Detachment Command Cost [-2CP]

Hive Fleet: Adaptive, Leviathan

+ HQ +

Neurothrope [5 PL, 100pts]: Power: Hive Nexus, Power: Onslaught, Power: Psychic Scream, Power: Smite
. Relic: Resonance Barb: Power: Catalyst

Winged Hive Tyrant [11 PL, 210pts]: Lash Whip and Monstrous Bonesword, Power: Hive Nexus, Power: Onslaught, Power: Paroxysm, Power: Smite, Relic: The Reaper of Obilterax

+ Troops +

Gargoyles [4 PL, 80pts]
. 10x Gargoyle: 10x Fleshborer

Tyranid Warriors [8 PL, 125pts]
. Tyranid Warrior: Dual Boneswords, Venom Cannon
. Tyranid Warrior: Deathspitter, Dual Boneswords
. Tyranid Warrior: Deathspitter, Dual Boneswords
. Tyranid Warrior: Deathspitter, Dual Boneswords

+ Elites +

Maleceptor [9 PL, 220pts]: Power: Hive Nexus, Power: Psychic Scream

Zoanthropes [7 PL, 150pts]: 3x Zoanthrope

+ Flyer +

Harpy [10 PL, 215pts]: 2x Heavy Venom Cannon, Adaptive Physiology: Synaptic Enhancement

++ Total: [114 PL, -2CP, 17 Cabal Points, 2,209pts] ++

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